Citerat inom fotbollen

”Rosenborg have won 66 straight games, and they’ve scored in all of them!”
Brian Moore imponeras av Rosenborgs målskytte och tänker till.

”They didn’t change positions, they just moved the players around.”
Terry Venables visar upp en imponerande taktisk förmåga.

”There’s no in between – you’re either good or bad. We were in between.”
Gary Lineker förklarar hur saker och ting ligger till.

”Strangely, in slow motion replay, the ball seemed to hang in the air for even longer.”
David Acfield begrundar TV-teknikens inverkan på fotboll.

”What will you do when you leave football, Jack? Will you stay in football?”
Stuart Hall ställer en klurig fråga till Jackie Charlton.

”In some ways, cramp is worse than a broken leg!”
Kevin Keegan leker doktor.


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